Live Roleplay, or Live Action Roleplay (LRP or LARP for short) take the basic premises of tabletop roleplaying games of players taking the role of a character but rather than describing the characters actions and calculating an actions success using cards or dice, the players act out actions in real time.
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Greek Shield Wall at Profound Decisions Odyssey LRP
Photo © Tom Garnett used under a CC-A license
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Troops marching to battle at Empire LRP
Photo by Charlotte Moss © Profound Decisions.
Used with kind permission from Profound Decisions
There are now many different LRP groups in the UK from small local systems often based around University clubs to large festival events attracting several thousand participants. The two largest games in the UK are The Gathering run by Lorien Trust and Empire run by Profound Decisions.
There are a variety of different ways a LRP game can be organised . Linear adventures in which a group of heroes work their way through a series of encounters planning by a Games Master with the antagonists played by a team of crew are common at small to medium sized events. Social events without any combat, or an abstract combat system without weapons, is common in modern day horror such as Minds Eye Theatre (MET).
Large scale systems often have very small crew teams and primarily revolve around interactions between the player characters. Most large scale LRPs have massive battles with hundreds of participants on each side, whether these be between differening player factions or teams of enemy monsters depends on the setting.
Many games are run with limited props and costume, though there is a current trend towards high levels of production value to enable players to more easily suspend disbelief and improve the immersion within the game environment. One event that is at the forefront of this is Mythlore: New Lands which utilises the talents of professional props makers and special effects companies to produce a truly cutting edge LRP game.
Mythlore New Lands 3
SFX by LarpFX
Photo © Tom Garnett used under a CC-A License
The UK LARP Facebook page is a good point to start if you are interested in playing LRP games as well as the LARPevents listing page.