Monday, 23 September 2013

...and you will know us by the Trail of Free Stuff

Demon Prince - Miniature(c) Games Workshop 2003. All rights reserved. Used without permission. Model painted by Henry, photo by Darren Edwards
Miniature © Games Workshop 2003. All rights reserved.
Used without permission
Model painted by Henry, photo by Darren Edwards
Saturdays extended session went well, even if most attending hadn't realised that the session was longer until they arrived. We had a couple of games of Warhammer 40K being played, in one Orks were fighting the powers of Chaos and the other had Necrons, Chaos and Space Marines fighting (not sure if it was a 3 way tussle or some kind of unholy alliance). I managed to grab a few photos of the miniatures and hopefully we can get some more over the next few weeks as there was some very well painted stuff I failed to capture.

As well as the 40K we had a Dr Who roleplaying game and then after that the forces of the Holy Inquistion quashed a terrible Tzeentchan plot in a one off game of Dark Heresy.

As mentioned previously next week we are once again going to be situated on the first floor in the Teen Zone due to some workshops that are part of the Arts Festival by the Sea that are occuring in the meeting rooms.

Free Stuff, Prize Draws and Giveaways

We know that free stuff is good so I'll draw your attention to a few things that may interest you.

South West Reading Passport
As the Summer turns to Autumn the South West Reading Passport promotion is coming to an end but there is still chance to pick up a passport at Bournemouth Library, read some books connected to the SW region, write a review of the books and get yourself entered into a prize draw for a Kobo E-Reader. The promotion ends next Monday, the 30th September.

The second competition is run by AudioGo, who produce BBC audiobooks, who are offering the chance to win a Dr Who audio box set. You can pick up a entry form from the display near the Teen Zone.

We also are also going to be trying to get some free stuff for the club; Battlefront Games are offering a demo kit of Flames of War to GCN clubs and West Wind Productions are offering Empire of the Dead starter packs as well. It doesn't stop there... we can get one of Kings of War, Dreadball and Warpath from Mantic Games and either Hail Ceaser, Pike and Shotte, Black Powder or Bolt Action from Warlord Games. We'd like to know what you want to play or we'll end up getting whatever Lyndsey and I think looks cool.

The final free thing comes when you officially join Worlds Away (forms will be available at the next session), in addition to becoming a GCN member and allowing us to contact you about the club you will get a voucher entitling you to a free weeks DVD hire, CD hire or reservation at Bournemouth Library. If you've already given us your contact details because you are under 16 or are a volunteer there will be a voucher waiting for you the next time you attend.


  1. Hi a few questions
    do you have any people who play android netrunner?, warlords bolt action? and x-wing minetuers game (I have a boxof this so will bring it on Saturday for people to play if they have not it)

  2. Sorry for not replying before Saturdays session, I have been away on Holiday. No one has played these at the club yet but some of our members may play. If you have enough cards/miniatures for two people and are willing to show us how to play them I'm sure you'll find some people who will play them with you.
