Monday, 23 December 2013

Merry Xmas Everybody

Yet another bumper turn out on Saturday and as it approaches the end of the year we can look back at the success of the club over 2013.

I think it was probably early this year or late last year that Lyndsey and a former colleague of ours first came up with the idea of running a gaming club at the library. They had already spoken to Medi (Library Service Manager) about the idea and had received positive feedback. I jumped on board as I had thought about running a club at the library before but hadn't got any further than that. I had a bit of experience of running gaming events from my time, about a decade ago, as Secretary of Bath Uni's LRP society.

Before anything got off the ground our colleague left for pastures new leaving Lyndsey and I to launch the club as part of the library's World Book Night celebrations. We'd spoken to a few people about the club before the launch and word had filtered through to Patrick at GW and on the day of the launch I ended up chatting to him about Mordheim and some of the other older games they made.. Making the link with GW was crucial as from this we ended up with our wonderful volunteers who have been the key in creating a successful club.

Shortly after starting we joined the GCN and as a result are advertised both on their and the GW website. In November we were one of a handful of UK libraries taking part in International Games Day.
Games Workshop Website Screenshot © Games Workshop

Our first sessions had a mere 4 attendees but as word got around our numbers have increased and we now have a high of 20 people at any one session. Over the course of the year we have welcomed 51 different people to the club of which 19 have joined as members and another half a dozen or so have been attending regularly but haven't joined the club. Slightly over 30 different games have been played at the club and there is a list of around 30 other games that members have expressed an interest in playing. This blog has had over 1000 visits, despite the fact that it seems impossible to find via Google.

Have a great Xmas everyone (and New Year if I don't make it along next weekend). Next week I'll post up some of our plans for the club for the coming year, onwards and upwards!

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