Tuesday 29 October 2013

Events for November and December

12 intrepid gamers braved the rain on Saturday to play some 40K, Carcassonne, Munchkin and Word Thief. We've now welcomed 42 individuals through our doors and we have 17 official members in the club. If you haven't picked up a membership form yet just ask me or Lyndsey (or one of the volunteers).

This weekend we have our Halloween Special be prepared for a selection of spooky games.

Then 16th November is International Games Day. We aim to introduce you to as many different games as possible, so we'll be running lots of short games, from WH40K using kill team rules, to quick board and card games. More details to follow including a full list of the games we will be offering.

The at the end of November we will be hosting our painting competition, again further details will be announced soon.

The Saturday before Christmas we'll be having our Christmas party and then the week after we'll all be trying out the new stuff we've received as presents (including those tasteful Xmas socks you're bound to be given!)

The Card Game Munchkin
Munchkin. Photo by Darren Edwards

PS. One of you left your gloves last week, they are in our office at the Library.

Friday 25 October 2013

The Greater Good by Sandy Mitchell: Book Review

With this post we welcome our volunteer David onto our blogging team. He's also working on another book review for us, so you'll be hearing more from him soon.


The Greater Good by Sandy Mitchell
The Greater Good - A Ciaphas Cain Novel
Sandy Mitchell’s “Cain” series is a much more tongue in cheek example of life in the Warhammer 40K universes Imperium of man. Where many books try to show the horror and futility of life in those dark times, the Cain novels have humour reminiscent of Blackadder.
Indeed the nature of the relationship of Cain and his aide is like that of Blackadder and Baldrick. (The books are also very reminiscent of the Flashman novels by George MacDonald Fraser - Darren)

This particular book is, in my opinion, a lesser example of his work. The book is a typical example of the Cain series, in that it is written in the form of the commissar’s unofficial memoir edited by an Inquisitor for distribution among a select few.
This style of writing is undeniably fast paced and humorous, the Commissars own take on events as well as the commentary from the Inquisitor makes for an entertaining read.

In the earlier examples of the Cain novels this style of writing is used to mention the future of past exploits of Cain as tangents. The details mentioned are self-contained and add to the overall narrative. Unfortunately this book relies heavily on the reader having read the previous book “The Last Ditch” and if you haven’t you miss out on a significant amount of the story of the book.
The title of the book as well as the cover art would suggest that the story would focus on diplomatic relations between the Imperium and the Tau, however those hoping for such will be disappointed.

However when all is said and done, it is still an enjoyable book and is recommended.
I would however urge future readers to read “The Last Ditch” first so that you can fully enjoy the story. Readers new to Cain would be advised to start with any other book from the series. They are all excellent ‘slice of life’ style books that can be enjoyed in any order.


Wednesday 23 October 2013

What do you want to play?

This is the sister post to the last one. This is a list of the games that members and potential members have expressed an interest in playing or running at the club.

Edited 20/02/14: Links added for RPGGeek.
Edited 28/11/13: Links added for those games who have records on Board Game Geek and RPGnet.

Boardgames and Cardgames
The aMAZEing Labyrinth
Android Netrunner
Axis and Allies: 1941
A Game of Thrones
Firefly: The Game
Mah Jong
Phase 10
Race for the Galaxy
Skip Bo
Word Search

Ancients (Phil Barker Rules)
Bolt Action
Napoleonic Era
Warhammer Quest
Wings of Glory

Roleplaying Games
Dungeons and Dragons
Fate Accelerated
Fate Core
Necessary Evil
Nova Praxis
Prime Time Adventures

What do we play?

We  get asked fairly frequently what games are played at the club, this is an attempt at a comprehensive list of all the games that have been played so far.

EDIT 29/11/14 This list is becoming increasingly difficult to keep up to date in regards to what is currently popular. Games are consequently now in alphabetical order and we'll be adding posts every couple of months with what is currently popular

Boardgames and Card Games
Advanced Connect 4
Arkham Horror
Boss Monster
Cards Against Humanity
Firefly: The Game
5ive Staight
Gears of War Boardgame
King of Tokyo
Magic The Gathering
Munchkin Quest
Mystic Wood
North American Rails
Once Upon a Time
Power Grid
Race for the Galaxy
Rubik's Magic Strategy Game
Settlers of Catan
7 Wonders
Stak Bots
Survive: Escape from Atlantis!
Ticket to Ride: Europe
Word Spot
Word Thief

Dungeons and Dragons Attack Wing
Flames of War
Judge Dredd
Lord of the Rings / The Hobbit
Warhammer Fantasy
Warhammer 40,000

Roleplaying Games
Black Crusade
Call of Cthulhu
Dark Heresy
Dr Who
Legend of the 5 Rings
Only War

Friday 11 October 2013

Dave Gorman vs the Rest of the World: Book Review

Dave Gorman vs The Rest of the World Book Cover
Dave Gorman vs. The Rest of the World
So this is our first book review, we should have some more soon as David is reading the two Warhammer 40K novels that we got for free from GW. You won't find many reviews like this one on the blog, the book is several years old now, but its subject is pretty relevant to the club.

I read Dave Gorman vs The Rest of the World slightly more than 2 years ago having bought it in Southampton Airport on my way to the Summer Darkness festival in the lovely city of Utrecht. I bought it along with How to be a Woman by Caitlin Moran (which I also heartily recommend*) and read both books in the week I was in the Netherlands†.

The basic premise of the book comes from this tweet that Dave posted.

"Does anyone play any games? Real Life, not computer games. Would you like to play a game?"

A pretty innocuous question but if you have 76,000 followers your likely to get quite a response. Indeed Dave goes on a epic journey around the UK playing all sorts of boardgames, card games and sports. Starting off with the abstract strategy game Khet (or as Dave puts it, Egyptian Laser Chess – which we can all agree sounds far more exciting) and taking in Ping Pong (or Whiff Whaff if your Boris Johnson), Kubb, Guess Who, Kensington, Poker, Darts, Settlers of Catan, Bluke, Agricola... and many more‡. These kind of oddball trips are the bread and butter of Dave Gorman's books from finding people with his name in “Are you Dave Gorman?” to trying to cross the USA only shopping in independent stores in “America Unchained”. In many ways this isn't a book about games but a book about the people who play games and the places they play them in.
Khet -Egyptian Laser Chess. Photo from Wikimedia.
Dave Gorman vs the Rest of the  World is a great read, it is written in Dave Gorman's standard witty style and the characters he meets remind you how generous and friendly people can be. If nothing else it will give you a whole load of new games to find out about and that is something we are all in favour of at Worlds Away isn't it?

*if you enjoy laughing out loud on planes and having people look at you oddly as a result. Though to be fair people often look at me oddly even when not laughing at books on planes.
Trivia - The Netherlands and Holland are, despite popular misconception, in fact not the same thing. Holland refers to the two most westerly provinces of the Netherlands, Noord and Zuid Holland. The rest of the country, including Utrecht, is not part of Holland.

A layout catch in a game of Ultimate. Photo © Darren Edwards
‡Personally my favourite is his description of Ultimate Frisbee, as an Ultimate player myself reading his description of a whole load of people I know and have played against was very amusing.

Tuesday 8 October 2013

October and November Events

It was nice to see some more new faces on Saturday, hope to see you all again soon. The new longer session allowed us to run a whole host of board and card games (including 7 Wonders, Rubik's Magic strategy game and Wordspot), another Dr Who roleplaying game and two games of Warhammer 40K. The forces of the Tau and Dark Eldar fought to a bloody draw but I managed to notch up a victory against the forces of Chaos with David's Tryanids.

This coming Saturday we will be in the smaller meeting room as a course is running in the larger room. The week after (19th Oct) I will be bringing a selection of boardgames to play and cake as I will be yet another year older. On the 2nd November we will run a Halloween special and on 16th November we will be running something as part of International Games Day @ Your Library.

International Games Day @ Your Library Logo